Tuesday 5 April 2011

Self-Defined: D&D Visual Aids

"Stepping out into the air, you are struck by an icy wind, bringing coarse black dust that scratches your face and chokes you. The landscape before you is like nothing you have seen before- there is no snow. There are no plants. Only blasted, pitted rock, and a poisonous smell."

"This room is massive and sunlit, falling into deep shadows in the corners. The ancient stonework is worn smooth by time, and the roof is netted with holes. The crowd in attendance is clustered around the altar at the front, buzzing with excitement. Above them on the dais, an aged, helmeted priestess emotes in orcish, holding the crowd totally rapt."

"You arrive at the roof, and taste cold mountain air again. The slates here are new, and badly fitted to the ancient remains of the old Temple's roof. A winding walkway of loose boards marks out the pathway to the small watchtower at the other side"

"The scraping noise abruptly stops as you lean out the window, seeing nothing. On the very edge of hearing, there is the faintest rattle of chains as something moves into the room behind you..."

"You recognise him as the quiet, shy stable-hand from the Castle above. He clutches a large, crude iron mask as he speaks. 'Stop, please. I don't think you know what you are doing'"

"It stands nearly seven feet tall, covered in dirty black and grey armour. Its eyes burn like stars from the eyeslits of its helmet. Ice crusts its skin and armour, and its clawed hands twitch on the grip of the huge spear it carries. You fancy that its panting is beginning to sound like laughter."

This long, twisting corridor is dark and unused-looking, with puddled stains on the floor. The smell of decay is particularly bad here. On your right there is a tall wooden door, and on your right the corridor turns into darkness.

"You have seen much and more in the course of your adventures, but nothing could have prepared you for this. The puddles flow and expand as you watch, gaining size and twisting into a dozen nightmarish shapes. The stench of cold decay grows ever stronger."

"The narrow path sinks downward through the dark earth, becoming ever damper and less stable.The ceiling continues to drip, perhaps heavier now."

"From the biggest, oldest tree at the far end of the clearing, which is decorated with alarming orcish glyphs, there hang three mangled human bodies- evidently displayed as a warning. Beneath, between the roots of the great tree, a small hollow descends into the earth."

These are some of the locations and characters I've dashed off for our recent Dungeons and Dragons adventures- basic things, to be sure, but they help set the scene when my clumsy narration won't cut it. This is the basis for some of the work I'll be doing in this project.

1 comment:

  1. Matthew, that guy without the mask looks like a spotless Donnell.
