Sunday 17 April 2011

Self defined: further visual aids

Finding good images of renaissance building that aren't castles or churches is very difficult. When I try to design things like the granary and the pigsty below, I found myself basically having to make things like the floorplans up from whole cloth, while only being able to source details like those above. Advice on this appreciated.

These two pictures are courtesy of the mad bastards of UK urban Exploration. Here they are, exploring an abandoned mine underneath Northhamptonshire.

These two devices are the heraldry of the new and old cities, rival factions in the setting the game's set in. They'd make good decoration for the adventure write-up, when I come to make the pdf together.

Likewise, here are the visual aids for some of the rooms I'm designing. Decided to go for a more complimentary colour sort of thing with this, see if it makes them look any livelier. The last lot were a bit muddy.

"You shield your eyes as you reach fresh air and sunlight once more. You seem to be in some kind of granary, and can hear some of the ordinary noises of the city outside. There is a smell of fresh grain and newly-cut wood, mixed with the same nagging chemical smell as before. A handful of workers turn in surprise as you enter, but others, strangely robed and hooded, continue about their business."

"This secluded area lies on waste-ground, surrounded by burned-out and abandoned buildings. The bright autumnal sunshine gleams off the trickle of water running along the cracked river bed, towards a large grate at the far end."

"You find yourselves at the centre of a web of tunnels, disappearing off in every direction. The ceiling is low and drips unpleasantly. The darkness is near-total, and you get the feeling that the water flowing is not as wholesome as it could be. Confused noises echo in the distance out of sight."

"You hear this room before you even see it. Mixed with the grunts and squeals of penned animals, there is a feeble moaning, quiet but echoing between the tall wooden panels that divide the space. Dirty straw covers the floor, and there is a smell in the air. A ragged figure sifts through the muck at the furthest end of the room, seemingly oblivious."

"The air is thick and cloying in this tunnel. A faint, sickly glow from the torch by the far wall illuminates dozens of floating shapes in the water. The smell of decay is utterly beyond description."

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